Mar 20, 2022
Jonathan and Chris talk to Dr. Barbara Hofer and Dr. Gale Sinatra, the authors of the book Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It. It’s a course in skepticism 101 as they discuss decision-making, doing your own research, and the post-truth era.
1:46 Why write a book about science denial now?
4:50 Irrational decision-making
6:17 Politicizing science and manufacturing doubt
16:30 Just asking questions and doing your own research
22:51 How to refute misconceptions and a note on the backfire effect
30:43 Patience and empathy in the time of the pandemic
32:38 Algorithmic literacy
33:55 Are the deniers aware of the true reasons for their science denial?
36:00 The post-truth era
39:32 Solutions for harm reduction
* Theme music: “Fall of the Ocean Queen“ by Joseph Hackl.
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1) The book Science Denial:
2) The Debunking Handbook: